LemonAid Factory specializes in creating cohesive and uniform branding materials, as there are usually some deviating lemons in the bunch. Don’t just think citrusy fruits here; “lemon” can also be another term for a dud. In fact, any product with flaws too great to serve its purpose becomes just that: a lemon. Much like purchasing a used car that turns out to be a lemon, choosing a design for attractiveness over functionality can end in disaster. Some visually tempting designs may not actually fulfill their purpose: to represent, promote, and enhance your company’s image. It’s important for your branding materials to accelerate your company’s success…
otherwise, you might just be stuck
with a lemon.

CORPORATE EVENT COLLATERAL Invitations, response cards, posters, email blasts, escort & table cards, name badges, sponsor boards, brochures, pamphlets, takeaways, signage, website images, wall art, maps… we know. It's a delightfully long list.

Whether it's a top-ranked magazine, a local newspaper, a journal ad, or a website banner, let us design your advertisement with purpose and style.

BOOK DESIGN A hardcover coffee table book, a handheld softcover booklet, or a catalog, we encourage you to judge all books by their covers (and their insides too).

It all starts with hello and an idea.
Please send us a note at hello@lemonaidfactory.com

Copyright © 2015 - All rights reserved - LemonAid Factory Inc - Aiding Marketing and Design, Before It Sours™